Cantina Mustallar

Piornedo – Porto de Ancares – Vega de Espinareda – Burbia – Campo del Agua – Villafranca – Doiras – Campa da Braña – Piornedo


Approximate distance: 130 Km.

Piornedo We left in the opposite direction in the above path, face to Leon (bottom right of the people).

We Suarbol the first pass, to see the Romanesque church, walking peacefully in some roads, searching the house of chains …

Address Ponferrada the next stop is the Port of Ancares to see the valleys of Ancares, Balouta Suarbol and if there is snow this is a good place to enjoy without having to walk too far.

Come down Ancares Valley, towns are larger than those left behind, we stop to look at some EECH Candín or Teixedo as we begin to see do Bierzo distinctive architecture (the churches are larger with pleasant Plazita, the houses with great galleries …)
In Justo de la Vega cojemos Burbia face, after the bridge on your right and pass through places like the Valley of Finolledo.

Burbia was a pobo very large, had many pallozas (somewhat smaller than those of Piornedo) but now there is hardly any. To make walking routes interesting Burbia has mountains with glacial lakes, small forest, one of which can be up at around Piornedo following the path of the neighbors who went to the fair Espin.

From Burbia recommend going to the Field of Water but this road is not paved, is necessary to see if cars are doing fine and not so, we must go back the same way to Justo de la Vega and go to the Field of Water by Villafranca.

Camp of Water was to Alzada da Pedra (a village in the county of Villafranca), a lump and using puebli neighbors to walk the summers with his doings in brañas more matches and in winter, returned to lower latitudes.

By the year 1985 conducted a comprehensive restoration Water Field, recovering all pallizas (or be a lump had almost no houses) and was impressive to see.

Unfortunately shortly Ardio almost the entire town and later, some residents rigged the house but to respect his original typology.

Field Water Today there are few pallozas but by the location of the site, on high ground, it remains a site of interest in the Sierra.

Leaving the Field of Water towards Villafranca and return by doing recorredo Doiras Unlike the previous route.